Life is a series of transitions, a continuous sway or tango between endings and beginnings. Each moment we close one chapter is not a conclusion, but an invitation to something quite extraordinary. This December, I would like to paint a portrait of this through vivid words, so that you can visualize the endless changes we encounter in our lives from the time we are born and take that first breath, through the time we die and exit this earth. Currently, we are living life in that dash period after birth, but before death. We have all experienced birth which has grown us up from babies, children, to adolescents, and then to grown-up adults, and mature adults managing or attempting to operate as best we can with the knowledge, we have on planet Earth. Whether the road to renewal feels arduous or easy, you have the wisdom of all your years to this point to guide you on your life’s journey. You've weathered storms, basked in sunshine, and stood firm through many changing seasons making you more than prepared for what’s to come in 2025.
Reflect on Emotions
As this year draws to an end, I ask that you allow yourself to feel the beautiful complexity of all of the emotions flowing inside of you presently. Happiness, sadness, excitement, anxiety, resentment, and uncertainty may all come up within you simultaneously and that's perfectly okay because these are sensations humans experience as they walk through life and even more so at the end of the year. These feelings are not obstacles, but messengers inviting us to reflect, heal, and grow as we are meant to do during our time here on earth. Right now, in this moment is a sacred opportunity for you to personally look inward with compassion toward yourself.
(Take 10 minutes or so to write down the answers to the below questions. If you need more time, take it. Simply write down what appears in your heart and head sincerely.)
Nurture Reflection Exercise
Ask yourself the following questions and be authentic and truthful with your answers:
What are the top 5 things this year taught me?
How did I contribute to my own challenges?
If I knew what I know now, what would I have done differently?
Based on what I have learned this year, I can honestly say I will take these top 5 things into 2025: ____________________________________________________________________ because ______________________________________________________________________
What dreams are still waiting to be awakened inside of me?
What excuses will I stop telling myself?
How will I show up differently in the New Year?
Remember, transformation begins with an honest self-reflection of oneself. The approaching new year is not just about a date change; though some may have you think that it is. It's actually a blank canvas waiting for you to show up and live your life’s purpose. You hold the power to make your dreams come true by making necessary changes when candidly looking at the “Man in the Mirror," as Michael Jackson's song wisely states. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? How do you feel about the person that you see? What do you say to the person you see in that mirror and how often do you say those things? Come on now; dig deep, this is the time to be straightforward and sincere with yourself. Only you can see what answers you have jotted down in response to these questions. Your future is created by the courageous thoughts, words, and choices you make every day. Step back and look around, you are a product of many of those choices, wouldn't you say? If you want something different this coming year, you must show up differently. This reflection exercise is an intentional attempt to examine your strengths, flaws, and the behaviors that either propel you forward or hold you back. One more time I ask you, what do you see?
Reflect & Move Forward
This December is the perfect time to not only reflect but also set things in motion so that you can start 2025 energized, purposeful, and refreshed; ready to take the action needed from the beginning as you continuously evolve through life. Starting from a place of profound understanding of your thoughts, behaviors, and aspirations will have you begin the year smarter, aware, and ready for the challenges that may come your way. The wisdom you've accumulated, the strength you've developed, and the compassion you've cultivated are some of your most precious companions to utilize to help you move into the new year. We hope that you are ready. If you need a little bit more help. We are not finished yet; keep reading to find out some ways to start making some changes today so that your tomorrow can begin renewed.
Nurture What Matters Roadmap to Renewal:
Release who and what no longer serves you and know that you will be O.K.
Forgive, not for others, but for your own peace.
Reconnect with your deepest aspirations; they matter, you matter.
Meditate on life’s beauty.
Get out in Nature. Nurture in Nature is a recommendation.
Be Mindful of your Energy & Time:
Time is limited. What is done with it so quite important. No one knows how much they have; therefore, it is imperative to focus on what matters most and go for what you really want before it is too late. Don’t sweat the small stuff there is not enough time or capacity to do this.
Nurture your body, mind, soul, and spirit regularly. Commit to at a minimum one day a month.
If you don’t who will?
You are not just entering a new year, but possibly the greatest year of your life. Be expectant, conscious, intentional, determined, and purpose-driven, because every step you take, no matter how small, is a declaration of your worth and potential. Embrace self-reflection as your compass, guiding you toward your most authentic and empowered self. Believe in yourself fiercely. Operate from a new mind, that speaks new words, with fresh faith so that you can attract new endeavors, beautiful people, and things into your life if you desire them. You are not just possible you are inevitable; say that out loud and receive it. As you journey through life from this year to the next one, do so knowing that the best is yet to come.
Believe in You! Keep the Faith! You Got This! Nurture What Matters because You Matter!