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Nurture Your Heart this National Heart Month!


National Heart Month - NWM
National Heart Month

February may be the month with the shortest amount of days, but it is irrefutably a month filled with so much to do and learn, thanks to Valentines & Presidents Day and Black History, National Soup, Boosting Your Self-Esteem & American Heart Month, to name a few. This post will focus on National Heart Month, while the next will focus on Boosting Your Self-Esteem so stayed tuned..

Heart Disease Facts

We want to bring awareness to the fact that heart disease is severe and is a leading cause of death in the United States for adults of all age groups and races. The heart work tirelessly, beating over 100,000 times per day, to pump oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout our bodies. But factors like inactivity, poor nutrition, smoking, and uncontrolled stress can damage arteries and strain the heart as we age. Coronary heart disease develops when waxy plaque builds up inside the heart's arteries, narrowing and hardening them over time. This reduces blood flow to the heart muscle, preventing it from getting enough oxygen. As arteries grow stiffer and thinner, the risk of rupture or blocked blood flow increases dramatically. This form of heart disease can lead to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis can lead to a heart attack or stroke if not caught in time or addressed with lifestyle changes or prescription meds.

The sobering statistics show coronary heart disease is the number one cause of death in the U.S. for both men and women across racial and age groups. Nearly 700,000 Americans die from heart disease each year - that's 1 in every 5 deaths. We all have loved ones affected by debilitating heart attacks and strokes. But by becoming informed and making heart-healthy choices, we can lower our risk substantially.

Today, is the perfect time to be mindful of just how hard the heart works to take care of us every day that we are breathing and begin to take better care of it now, if you are not doing so already.

National Heart Month - Nurture What Matters
Apple Juice & Apples

Symptoms of Heart Disease

Even though Covid-19 is still around, sometimes shortness of breath is not from that; it is from heart disease. Other heart disease symptoms are pain, weakness, and numbness throughout the body, specifically in the chest area.

Manage/Prevent Heart Disease

Managing or preventing heart disease can occur by exercising (moving more), controlling stress levels, monitoring blood pressure. Eating healthy foods beneficial to the body will help keep blood pressure at optimal levels and by quitting smoking. Following a doctor's nutritional living protocol thoroughly to monitor and address your heart concerns or issues is imperative for good heart health.

National Red Day

The first Friday in February is known as, “National Wear Red Day”. This day is recognized and deemed necessary because it brings awareness of the impact heart disease has on American Women. The American Heart Association started this movement to bring recognition from the research that this is a severe disease that needs massive exposure to help slow and eventually stop heart disease, especially amongst women where the stats show 1 and 3 women in this country fall victim to it. The startling fact is one woman every minute dies from heart disease in the United States. Visit Go Red for Women here and see how you can take part in the movement.


This National Heart Month, get empowered to care for the heart that keeps us all alive everyday. Schedule that annual physical. Go for regular walks, eat nutritious whole foods, manage stress properly, and quit smoking. Monitoring blood pressure and cholesterol is key. Even small, consistent changes to support heart health will pay off throughout your lifetime. Our hearts deserve the very best - let's celebrate National Heart Month by showing it some love and appreciation for all it does to keep us ticking. Nurture Your Heart this National Health Month & Read Loving Your Heart.


MedicineNet: Heart Disease

Go Red for Women

CDC Heart Disease Stats


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